Hello all! Well, it has been 4 days since our new President has been elected. After having those days to ponder and reflect on the future of this great country, I decided to post.
Number 1, I didn't vote for Obama. While I didn't really like McCain, I did like Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin is a woman I have tremendous respect for. She has 5 children. Prior to the birth of her fifth child, she found out he was going to be born with Down's Syndrome. She, thankfully, decided to have the baby anyway. She has a lot to learn but I think she is the future of the Republican party.
I do not claim to be a Republican or Democrat. I vote for who I think will do the best job. Many of my views on the issues would be considered Republican though.
When deciding who would get my vote, it was not just about who I thought would do a good job. It was about who was the lesser of 2 evils. I don't trust either of them very much at all. After all, they are politicians. It all boiled down to who believes in the same things that I do and that was McCain. Obama does not stand for anything I believe in.
After saying all of that, I am extremely concerned about the future of our country under this new leadership. I think our forefathers would be rolling in the graves. I hope and pray that everything I have read and heard about him is not true. I am praying for Obama every day. That is my duty as a Christian. Also, God chose him to be our next President and I have to respect that.
While everyone is saying "this country needs to change," I agree with that 100%. I DO NOT feel like Obama is going to be able to solve all of our problems. There is only one man who can help this country and that is GOD! This country has abandoned everything is was founded on and until we make God the center of everything in this country things are only going to get worse.
Well, that's it! I could go on and on but the election is over. The only thing we can do now is PRAY!